Master the language of numbers to fuel personal growth, navigate obstacles, and uncover your unique purpose and mission in life.

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After 8 weeks in this course, you will receive a certification and the ability to add this modality to your life and business from Day One. Over the course of 8 weeks, we will create an entire Numerological Blueprint that you can use in your business. You will have a full database at your fingertips. You will be part of a vibrant community of like-minded humansUpon completion of this 8-week course, you will receive a certification and gain the ability to immediately incorporate this modality into your personal and professional life. Throughout the 8 weeks, we will develop a comprehensive Numerological Blueprint that you can utilize in your business endeavors. You will have access to a complete database and become a part of a dynamic community of like-minded individuals.Your personal transformation can serve as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of your methods, attracting more clients to your business. Incorporating numerology into your business is not just about leveraging a tool for growth; it's about embracing a holistic approach to personal and professional development. By understanding and applying the principles of numerology, you can create a profound impact on the lives of your clients and the success of your business.

Introduction to Numerology

Numerology can be a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding. By exploring the numbers specific to you, you can uncover insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and even your destiny. This can guide you in making more informed decisions, improving relationships, and pursuing goals that are aligned with your inner self.

Ruling Numbers

Learn how to calculate a lifepath or ruling number and land into the frequency of each number 1-9.his is one of the most significant numbers in numerology, derived from your date of birth. It offers insights into your life's purpose, your natural tendencies, and the path you are likely to take in this world.

The Rythm of Numbers

Learning the Day Number, Yearly and Universal Numbers that help us land into the rhythm of our lives. This is incredibly helpful in planning clients, retreats, launches etc.

Arrows of Influence

The arrows of Influence are another powerful way to distinguish you from other lifepaths that are the same as you. These are the differentiators. 


Your name gives so much information about how you walk through the world and reveals how people see you.


This is where we look at your dharma or life purpose. Why you came to this planet and what you came here to truly embody and understand


Ready to Leap into Numerology?

Need to have a conversation? Reach out to me and we can chat to see if this is the right fit for you

Numbers are Sacred

You were born with a unique numerological code. This code is the blueprint for your life. Your potential, your challenges, and your strengths are all housed in your code and make up who you are and who you came here to BE. I love to use numerology in relationships, health, and wealth. But my favorite is helping spiritual entrepreneurs navigate their life and business with numerology. It is the sweetest spot for me and aligns perfectly with my mission to help healers and coaches make money in this industry!!

  • Personal Empowerment- Using numerology for personal development gives you an incredible edge in the coaching industry. As you grow and align more closely with your numerological path, you'll be better equipped to lead, inspire, and support others.
  • Coaching and Guidance- You can offer highly personalized coaching sessions by using numerology to understand your client's Life Path number, gaining insights into their natural talents, challenges, and life's purpose. 
  • Strategic Business Decisions + Predictive Planning- Applying numerology to your business decisions can align your actions with favorable energies. Choosing dates for launching products, hosting events, or making significant announcements based on numerological calculations can increase the likelihood of success and positive reception. 
  • Team Building + Management- Understanding the numerological profiles of your team members can improve dynamics and efficiency within your business. By recognizing each member's strengths, challenges, and preferred ways of working, you can assign tasks, form teams, and manage conflicts more effectively, creating a harmonious and productive work environment. 
  • Marketing and Branding- Numerology can also play a role in your marketing and branding efforts.
  • Creating Unique Offerings- Incorporating numerology into your services can differentiate your business from competitors. Offering numerology readings and workshops or incorporating numerological insights into your existing services can provide unique value, attracting clients interested in personal development and spiritual growth.

"Hi, my name is Jen Kohler. Over the last twenty years, I have dedicated myself to the study and practice of spirituality, personal growth, Reiki, the human body, Universal Law, and Numerology. Through my journey, I have discovered how these disciplines weave together, creating the whole of my practice. Drawing from this wealth of knowledge and experience, I have established my business around the principles of teaching these methodologies to others and I would love to invite you along!"

Your Teacher
Master Numerologist and Healer