The Daily Pulse Numerology Post

daily pulse Mar 23, 2023
Today the K♣️ and the 6 gently shifts us inward, out of the physical and into mental energy. Did you feel the transition today?
How is this shift into King♣️ energy feeling to you? What do you notice? Comment below the quality of the energy you feel.
Notice what's birthing in you. What is your soul aching to express? This King brings us to the “why” of our being. Tap into your vision. #becomethevision
The  K♣️ is a great communicator, fluent writer, and speaker.
Communicate the beautiful expression of your Essence as you continue to cultivate your strong intuitive connection.🖤
There is a message, a song, coursing through you, ready to be expressed.
💋 Jen, Master Numerologist and QUE Mentor
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